Friday, June 19, 2015

a year has passed

Ok so I'm not doing that great at keeping this blog up to date. I don't have any excuses why. I am 38 years old. I live with my husband, son, and German Shepherd.

I have adhesive arachnoiditis from intrathecal chemo treatments I had when I was 15 for Burkitt's Lymphoma. I am cured of cancer, yet left with a painful, debilitating condition. I also have a Tarlov Cyst in my sacral spine. This causes similar pain and symptoms are arachnoiditis.

Since I last wrote I haven't returned to work. This is by choice. I stopped taking opiate pain meds last year. I developed hyperalgesia. It caused my pain receptors to interpret slight touch as searing pain. It was awful. Since stopping them the hyperalgesia disappeared, however the pain from arachnoiditis and tarlov cyst disease is more than evident. I can't do much without feeling stiff and sore. The soreness is deep down to the bone. It passes with rest.

I can't sit up for more than 5 minutes without having pain in my tailbone so I lie down or recline most of the day. It's not much of a life.

I'm trying to find the joy in the simplest things, but even that has proved difficult. It feels like the Earth is spinning under my feet while I stand still. People and events pass by me, but I am stuck.